Oh WOW! It's RH-V3!!! The new version of RH - the Robot Helper. Shad had version 2.9, but just upgraded to version 3.0.
For the little story... Shad's birthday was themed around robots, because I got him the LEGO mindstorms.. The Evite for his birthday was a robot theme where I asked our friends to come and witness the upgrade of Shad 2.9 to Shad 3.0!
Here's the original sketch of RH -V3.
And all the cut-outs done...
RH-V3 completed... about 7 hours of stitching and putting together! His eyes are watches that not only give time but also his birthday: 3 and 0! And the arrow on the control panel gives the number of the update: 3.0... Very ingenious little dude!
What's great with RH-V3 is that we can turn him on and off, and also charge him or put him to sleep...
The whole purpose of this little guy is to help Shad in all his future endeavours around the house, he's got an extra wrench on his head that comes in really handy!
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